Where have you been?
Where have I been, you ask? Well where should I begin? About 3 weeks ago I found out my sister-in-law & her live in boyfriend were not getting along. Oh great, I thought they were getting married. So the wedding is off. My sister-in-law has lived with this guy for about 3 years. I thought they got along pretty well. But they had a big fight about something & he turns into a complete jerk. (I'm only getting her side of the story, but I'm taking her side so we'll go with it.) She has an 11 year old daughter who doesn't belong to him. But the house is his, the car is his, pretty much everything but the kid is HIS! So he tells her she has 90 days to pack her shit & get out! She works at Wal-mart, so she's not exactly making enough money to get a place of her own & support an 11 year old. So what does she do? Where does she go? So last Sunday my hubby comes to me & says Charity has no place to go, what do you think about her moving in here? WHAT? Are you crazy? Where, how, why, when? So we have a spare bedroom that was the kids' playroom. We can move the toys to the bedroom & she & Cassie can share that room. The spare room is on the first floor of our house with a walk-in closet & a bathroom with a shower. So its like their own little motel room. But my computer is in that room? I can't sacrifice my computer! No way! This isn't going to work. Ok so I've been wanting to get a laptop for about 6 months or more now. So why not? This gives me a good excuse, right?! So the fun begins. Monday I get online & order me a new Dell laptop. Tuesday I start cleaning out the playroom. Charity contacts the school to get Cassie enrolled. Wednesday I take the day off work & drag things from upstairs down to the basement. Take things from the playroom up to the kids' rooms. I have never made so many trips up & down steps. I finished up by 11am or so & treated Mackenzie & I to an afternoon of shopping. Cassie goes to 6th grade orientation at her new school. She seems pretty excited about the move. Thursday is moving day!! Charity packed all day. Officially got Cassie registered for school. Around 5:30 or so I arrive at her house with some friends who got a truck & trailer to help move. We start loading up. Get back to my house for the unload. By 10 or maybe later, we are all exhausted. So she throws a mattress on the floor to sleep for the night. Friday she gets things unpacked & settled in. Saturday & Sunday she worked during the day, I watched Cassie for her. Saturday night she watched my kids. So cool, I have a live in nanny!! Its all going smoothly so far. Monday, my hubby picks up my new laptop at the UPS place. I spend 2 1/2 hours on the phone with my personal technical support because I'm just not geeky enough to do it alone...not yet anyway! I get all my files transferred, get my wireless setup & I think I'm good to go. Its the night before the first day of school so Cassie's getting ready for her first day at a new school. She didn't go to sleep until after 11!! Today, she's off to school at 7:10 a.m. Charity has the day off. I go to work like normal. Come home, make dinner, do some laundry, same old routine stuff. Get my laptop out & install the rest of my software & I'm done. Cassie had a good first day at school. She said she made some new friends. She missed the bus coming home so her mom had to run up to the school & pick her up. But all & all it was a good first day of school. I'm learning a lot about all the weird new rules they have in school these days. This could be an entire post so I'll save that info for later. Tomorrow I plan to clean up my PC & hopefully by the weekend get it taken apart & pass it on to my mother. So here I am about a week & half later with 2 new house guests & a new laptop. Its all good!!! I may be changing my mind in a few weeks because I have NO idea how long they may be here. So when I'm complaining down the road, someone please remind of how I was so excited to get my new laptop!!