Boring Blog

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Good Times with Old Friends

Tonight I spent about 2 hours with friends visiting from Florida. My good friend Maggie moved far, far away to that beautiful, warm place we call Florida. Its probably been a little over 5 years since she moved...if I remember correctly. She and her husband moved down there when they were having trouble finding good jobs in good old PA! In the past 5 years, she has had 2 kids and I have had 2 kids. It makes me so sad that are kids aren't together more. It makes me even sadder that she and I aren't together more. We used to have some fun, wild times together. I'm sure if she still lived around here, we would be having just as much fun, but probably not so wild. I'm sure we would have very exciting "game nights!!" Because Maggie doesn't get home as often as she would like, we're lucky if we get together once a year. She usually makes quick trips and tries to squeeze visits with everyone into about 3-4 days. So this time she had a GREAT idea. We all met for dinner so she could enjoy the company of old friends and not feel like she was taking time away from family. What a brilliant idea! I think it worked out extremely well. I'm not sure the employees of Ponderosa felt the same way. There were screaming kids running all over the restaurant...yes 2 of them were mine!! We had a nice visit. I got to meet her son for the first time and she got to meet my son for the first time! Our daughters were chasing each other all around and playing like they were buddies forever. Its so hard to stay close when friends move away. You get busy in your own life and forget to find time for those not right in front of you every day. Maggie has been a great friend to me and I don't always put forth the effort I should to return that friendship. Thanks Maggie for your friendship. I had a great time visiting tonight. Miss you so much!!!!