Boring Blog

Friday, August 04, 2006

20 lbs for 20 bucks

Hubby comes home yesterday and announces that he got on the scale at work. I won't embarrass him by posting the actual number. I've been noticing that he's been putting on a little weight over the last few years. Well turns out he's gained about 60-65 pounds in 7 years. WOW! That's a lot of weight. And to top it all off he's a smoker. The man is a walking heart attack. He's probably going to get diabetes before he's 40 unless he dies from a heart attack before he's 30. So he's complaining about this extra weight. I've been telling him for 2 years to join a gym, go for a walk, just get some exercise. He's a junk food junky! Pizza at all hours of the night. He's a really bad sleeper. If he wakes up at 2 a.m., he'll make himself a snack. Now what you & I call a snack is different from his snack. My idea of a snack might be an apple or yogurt, but his idea of a snack is a whole frozen pizza or a sandwich or a plate of left-over 2 a.m. So now you see where the 60 lbs may have come from?

Now to me, I have been on a weight roller coast for about 10 years. Sometimes I'm heavy, sometimes I'm just average, and sometimes I can get to looking pretty darn good. Right now, I would consider myself in the average category with a high risk of getting heavy. Since I had a baby (almost 10 months ago, yeah I can't use this excuse too much longer!), I've been fighting about 10 lbs. Now 10 lbs may not sound like a lot but I could probably stand to lose that 10 lbs plus 20 more. That would be the ultimate goal. So anyway, the risk of gaining more is high because ever since I got pregnant I have not had the motivation to exercise. I pretty much stopped everything when I got pregnant, which made me feel terrible throughout my pregnancy. And now, I just can't get back into it. Before I got pregnant I was so determined & so motivated. I got up every morning & worked out. I hardly ever missed a day. So in March I started going to a local gym. I was doing pretty well, getting there about 3 days a week. Then summer came & I haven't been there since the beginning of June. There is just too much going on in the summer. Plus the nightly bowls of ice cream are not helping!! YUMMY! I know that getting up early works best for my schedule. I know that I feel better & look better when I'm exercising. I know what works for me & what I need to do, so why can't I get back into it?

So last night during dinner, Rob is complaining about his weight, so I come up with a plan. Now normally I'm not a betting person. I usually don't make bets unless I'm pretty darn sure I'm going to win. I have only ever lost one bet in my entire life & it was just recently & it cost me $5! But figuring that this bet would benefit me no matter if I win or lose, I bet hubby $20 that I could lose 20 pounds before him. Now men normally lose weight fast than woman. And his male ego kicked in & he said "oh yeah I could drop 20 lbs no problem!" Ok, so put your money where your mouth is buddy. So he agreed. We weigh in tomorrow morning & the race is on...

Now I've posted this for all the world to read, so I have made myself accountable not only to my husband who gets to actually see the number of pounds I weigh (YIKES!) but also to all of you. (I will not be sharing my actual weight with you!!) I expect you to do your part & ask me regularly if I got my lazy butt out of bed on time to work out. If I win the 20 bucks, we'll go have a drink to celebrate!!!

Well I must go eat my last bowl of YUMMY, YUMMY ice cream before tomorrow's weigh in! Stay tuned for weight loss updates....


Blogger Jimmy said...

This is absolutely hilarious! You won’t lose weight for the competitive competition at work, Shape Up Pa, which by the way is a team event with your team counting on you (believe me, I’ve talked to people on your team), but you will so you can win a bet (or lose [note the proper spelling of lose, not loose]) with your husband. Oh well. I guess that’s why I have a nice shiny metal hanging in my cubical and you don’t.

And also, just so you know, eating snacks, even male type snacks, in the evening does not put the weight on faster than eating earlier in the day. That’s just an old wives tale. Which is what you might turn into if you continue this trend of no exercise. Let’s get to it!

9:41 PM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

At least you put it nicely! I guess maybe I'm more motivated by money than by a stupid metal, my picture in the company newsletter, and my team captain screaming at me every week!

5:51 PM  
Blogger DMM said...

Lindsay -
My baby is 3 and I still use the "I just had a baby" excuse. But I do workout daily - so I can eat badly or at least I tell myself that.

I hate weight. Just for the record - your buddy Jimmy here calls me "fatty" as if that's not a motivator to get me to the gym before I see him at our bi annual meeting for volleyball in Sept. I don't know what is!!

Maybe that's why I have more wins under my belt at the beach tourney's then he...GO FATTY!!!

10:27 AM  

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