Boring Blog

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Trashy Girls

My pal Jimmy thinks I should be the Talk Soup of bloggers. While this task would be quite fun & entertaining for my readers, this would also take lots of my time to search through to find blogs worthy of my comments. So I'll start with a few comments about the 2 recent blogs I've read.

The first, is a girl that had just broken up with her boyfriend, a side bar with a count down "since I've been laid", and a hot pink background, which is what caught my eye & led me to start reading. The "since I've been laid" information should have been a huge red flag for me to just stop before I start, but being the nosy person I am I started to read as "singlebychoice" describes the intimate things she would like to do with, to, and for "hottie co-worker". I was all alone as I was reading her poetry, however I believe I was blushing. And thinking do you kiss your mother with that potty mouth? So call me a old or maybe a prude, but I've never spoke about anything the way she was writing about this guy & since the guy was not available...herself!! I'll leave you with that for now & move on to psuslut...

So psuslut comments on Aaron's Daily Rant which I linked to from my pal Mike. There were 22 comments on Aaron's post titled "Modern Rock Chart." First off, why would you call yourself psuslut. Come on? That's just asking for trouble. So anyway psuslut discovers that she & Aaron like the same band. Cool! So she wants to hook up at the show. Have you never read anything psuslut, you don't hook up with guys on the internet. You don't know Aaron. You don't talk to strangers, especially on the internet, especially when your name is psuslut. So anyway, Aaron & psuslut continue to comment back & forth & then Aaron's buddy Seahawk 4000 tries to sneak in on this action. And this goes on & on & on, finally psuslut signs off by saying if I see you at the concert I will let you see my t*ts...what did she just say? Yeah, I had to read that twice to make sure I read it right.

Ok so here's my 2 cents for "singlebychoice", "psuslut" and the single guys of the world, where is your self esteem "ladies"? Do you really talk to guys like this? Does your mother know you talk to guys like this? And guys, do you like it when girls talk like this? If I were a 25 year old guy & some girl talked to me this way, sure my hormones would take over as a first instinct & I would think yes, this girl is great. But then reality would kick in & is this the kind of girl you want to take home to meet mom? And so then you fall in love, get married & you have kids & one day your kids say "so how did you & mommy meet?" What do you say to that? She showed me her t*ts at a concert, we "hooked up" afterwards & its been wonderful ever since... NO guys, you look at this girl & think she is trash. There are better girls out there! So guys don't hook up with trashy girls & trashy girls, get some counseling.


Blogger Jimmy said...

Hey the link to my blog doesn't work. Fix it! Also, I am a 25 year old single male and even my hormones wouldn't make me think for a second that one of those girls could be anything but trash.

10:01 PM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Its fixed, sorry 'bout that. I never claimed to be a web designer. My template didn't even have a place for links so just be proud to know that I figured out how to put it on there in the first place. And re-read my post. I found the first trashy girls blog.

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, great article. psuslut is such a......well, slut. Personally I think I'm being pranked by an ex-coworker so I decided to play along. If it is a real girl, she is trash, and a perfect girl for Michael.

1:48 PM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Oh come on now, Mike deserves better than that. Maybe he can try to hook up with single by choice!!

6:56 PM  
Blogger Single By Choice, Damnit said...

A friend told me that she found your review of my blog here--Um, at first I was going to say "Thanks for the shout-out" but then you're stereotyping me as a slut, as trashy? Nuh uh. I DON'T THINK SO. I have been in three long-term monogamous relationships that lasted over two years each. And then when I'm single, I'm single. Just because a person is promiscuous it DOES NOT MEAN SHE IS THEREFORE AN INSECURE SLUT. It just means she likes sex. That is all it means. Yes, there are many insecure girls out there who are sluts, but insecurity and sexual appetite have nothing to do with each other, at least not with me. So save the generalizations for something other than slamming someone's blog or worth as a human being.

6:04 PM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

I'm not saying its wrong to like sex. I'm saying its wrong to perform sexual favors for guys you just met, and its wrong to have one night stands, and for that matter its wrong to be single and having sex at all!! If you don't feel you're insecure that's great. But I just feel that if you're doing these things to impress guys you're sending the WRONG impression. And why on earth would you post these things on a site for all to read? Maybe I'm old fashioned, call it what you want & I'm not claiming to be Miss Innocent, but some things are meant to be kept private. If you don't want to be judged by the things you write, you shouldn't write them. It sounds to me like there is definitely something missing in your life & you're using sex to fill that void.

7:59 PM  
Blogger Single By Choice, Damnit said...

All rightie then. Glad to see you're not being the slightest bit judgmental.

Having one-night stands has absolutely nothing to do with impressing a guy. Nothing. It is ABOUT ME, about having some fun easy sex. I like sex. If like to have sex from time to time, and masturbating doesn't do the job. I have sex simply because I enjoy sex, and if the guy does too, good for him, but really it's just because my body craves sex--and no amount of exercising, sleeping, working, masturbating, sports, or anything else fulfilling I've tried can ease that need--and believe me, I've tried everything. It is my BODY needing sex. My confidence is fine without it. My body gets mighty fidgety though.

And these "things" I post on my site to read (which no one forced you to read by the way)--are not "private" like you may think they are. On my old site which was often about my loving monogamous long-term relationship--I never talked about our serious problems because that was private. I talked about our sex life occasionally because it was relevant to a topic, or funny, or something I knew a lot of people could relate to. But the things that were REALLY personal, the issues that were between just me and my boyfriend, those things leading to the break-up, those things I kept out of it. But hearing about a one-night stand? Who gives a fuck. If one of them were to turn into a serious relationship, then yeah it would a totally different set of rules.

Now please, stop judging me like you actually know who I am and telling me that clearly my life is empty. Would you want me to tell you that writing an entire post about a blankie incident means you obviously need to get laid? No. That would piss you off, wouldn't it? Because that would be hitting below the belt, and based on nothing but a goddamn empty stereotype.

12:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so hungry I could die.

7:35 AM  
Blogger Mrs DeCap said...

To: "Singlebychoice"

Websters definition of SLUT:
a slovenly woman
a promiscuous woman; especially : PROSTITUTE b : a saucy girl : MINX

10:00 AM  
Blogger Jimmy said...

Simon Cowell said Kelly Pickler was a saucy little minx. Just though you'd all love to know that.

10:28 PM  
Blogger T. Willie said...

Lindsay, I see you're new to the blogosphere, so let me give you a few pointers:

Don't start shitstorms with people you don't know. It's considered bad form.

If you disagree with something you see, click on by. If you choose to keep on reading it, don't then trash it on your so-new-it's-still-wet-behind-the-ears blog. Because,'s not nice.

See, here's how it works. No one would march into the middle of your Sunday service and start badmouthing the Jesus. You're playing in a big wide world now, and there's lots of different opinions. You don't have to step on the toes.

If you read something and it makes you go, hunh? That's wrong, or weird or whatever. That's ok. It's even ok to write about it. Something like this:

So today, I was blogging about and I came across these two sites and wow! Those girls are skanks. I don't understand how anyone could live their lives that way and then PUT IT UP ON THE INTERNET. Boy do I think that's wrong. But whatever. That's the internet for you.

See the difference? One is gossipy and mean and poor manners, the other is simply your reaction to this crazy stuff you came across.

11:41 PM  
Blogger DMM said...

HOLY!!! That's all I have to HOLY...

10:34 AM  

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