The Rescue of Blankie
Being a mother is without a doubt the hardest job I've ever had, but with the greatest rewards. I've never been challenged in my career like I've been challenged by a 3 year old. I have many times been the boo-boo fixer and actually been called "the best cooker eber" but today I performed my first miracle...
Yesterday when my daughter arrived home from daycare she was carrying her blankie in a plastic store bag. She had had an accident during nap time so blankie needed to get a bath. I didn't have much other laundry to wash so I scrambled around looking for things to throw in the washer with blankie. My hubby lives out of his truck most of the time so he brings me 4 pair of pants. He brought the pants to me knowing they were going directly to the washing machine, but silly me neglected to check the pockets. This is totally my fault, I know to ALWAYS check pockets. So now the clothes are done washing, without looking at the clothes, they make their way to the dryer. Now by this time its bedtime so the poor thing has to go to bed without blankie. We have a replacement blankie that can be used in an emergency, but she's just not as good as the original. Morning rolls around & I run to the dryer to get blankie ready for daycare to discover she is covered in GUM!!! All kinds of gobbly gook on her!! So I break the news to my not a morning person daughter who bursts into tears. Feeling terrible for not checking hubby's pockets & knowing exactly how she's feeling since I too had...ok still have a blankie of my own, we got off to daycare with replacement blankie. Walking into daycare still in tears, I promise her that miracle working mommy will fix blankie as soon as we get home. As these words are coming out of my mouth, I'm thinking "how the heck am I going to do this?"
We arrive home & the first thing I do is head to the laundry room to meet my challenge. I place ice cubes on the blobs of gum on blankie & start dinner. Checking back every few minutes to see how she's coming along, I then start my magic. After about 30 minutes of picking, scrubbing, and that little hint of motherly love, blankie is starting to look like her old self. Another run through the washing machine & she's good as new. I yell from the laundry room, "blankie is fixed, she's all better!!!" Which of course is responsed to with a "thank you Mommy!" and a smile bigger than any Christmas bonus!!!!
I thought you were going to write about prostitution!! I left it open for you!!
Is it a mother thing when you start referring to blankets like they are real people?
dude don't dis blankies.
thanks for sticking up for me aaron. and not just any blankets are people, but "blankies" can be just as important if not more important than some real people.
Why are you always so friggin' noble, Aaron? Quit trying to impress all the women. You're already married and so is Lindsay. If you want to do something, act like a jerk to make me look better.
Michael you're freakin right. What is wrong with me? Absolutely nothing, that's what. You're just a jerk, a jerk that never had a blankie. LOL. You're still a good guy..... ;)
You got a christmas Bonus?
Your the greatest Mommie in the whole lorld!
Blankies are people too!
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