Boring Blog

Monday, July 31, 2006

Baby's First Word

A few months ago a friend of mine casually mentioned that her son who is 3 months younger than my son was saying, "mama". So this gets me thinking, should my little guy be saying words. Cause so far, all he does is babble gobbly gook. So I start practicing with him. About 1000 times a day I say mama, mama, mama! If anyone would hear me, they would think I was nuts. But of course when it comes to a mother talking to her baby, we are all nuts. And those of you that don't have kids & don't like kids, would not understand this one bit. So don't laugh or make fun, just keep reading. Anyway, I've been saying mama so much that even my daughter started practicing with the little guy. So this is going on for about a month or more, and one day I'm practicing my little heart out to him. He looks me straight in the face & what does he say..."da-da!" What the heck? Where did that come from? Da-da? What about mama? And of course, the hubby just thinks this is wonderful. And now the little guy is saying, "Hi da-da!" 2 words & putting them together, but still no mama. Can a 10 month old know that he has this much power over his mother?


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