Boring Blog

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cut The Grass??

My hubby has been working on our house. So the other night as he's hanging from a ladder, he says to me, why don't you cut the grass? Are you crazy? Me? Cut the grass? Let me give you a really short description of myself...I don't like outside! I don't do outside things. I prefer to just be inside & do inside things! This sounds really funny to those who like doing outside activities, but its my mom's fault. She's not an outside person either, so I was sheltered as a child!! Always blame the parents.

The first time I cut grass was probably 5 years ago. Cutting the grass was my brother's job when we were kids & then eventually my step-dad took it over. My mom didn't do it, so neither did I. So one day my husband said I had to do it. So I fired up the lawn mower & start pushing. About 2 rows into it he says "your lines aren't straight!" So that was it for me. I walked away & vowed to never touch another lawn mower.

Well the other night I broke my vow. He's been working hard on our house & he asked me to help him out & cut the grass. At first I was thinking no way, that's your job. You have the outside & I have the inside. Ok so sometimes he helps out inside so maybe I should help outside. Ok, I'll do it. How do I do it? My yard is fairly small & somewhat level. So its shouldn't be too hard to do. So he gets out the mower & off I go. He walked by every once in a while to make sure I wasn't dying. It took me about 45 minutes & I did the whole thing!! I wanted to quit so bad about 1/2 way into it. But I kept going. I figured it was a pretty good workout & I felt great afterwards. I'll probably NEVER do it again, at least not if I can help it. And I'm sure it would not have lived up to Jim Barley standards, but it was cut & I felt like I accomplished something!!!


Blogger DMM said...

I love cutting the grass and doing anything outside to avoid inside dusting; sweeping - fact is I cheat and pay someone to do it for me. But as for cutting the grass that counts as ME TIME...Alone time...noone can talk to you or bother you when doing this chore, it's grand. As for James Barley standards - don't even get me started on that crazy cat...

2:39 PM  
Blogger Jimmy said...

Just to clarify: I am not as anal about the grass cutting as my dad (Jim) is. I just want to point that out.

6:18 PM  
Blogger DMM said...

you probably do the criss cross angles when cutting the grass.

7:43 AM  

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