Class of 1996
This year marked the 10 year anniversary since I graduated from high school. Gosh, where did the last 10 years go? I’m from a very small town, graduating with a class of 69 kids. So for us to have a successful reunion is not an easy task. My class was very segregated. Everyone had their own little cliques, and we haven’t stayed close over the years.
We had a 5 year reunion with about 30 people including guests. It was a last minute thrown together event, but it turned out ok. I was involved in the planning of the 5 year reunion, but wasn’t sure I wanted to do it again. Well it was about April & I got an email from a classmate asking me if we were going to plan a reunion for this year. Being the eager, want my nose involved in everything person I am, I said sure let’s do it.
So the organizing began…I contacted a few people that I knew were still in the area who I thought would have good input. We gathered up a group of 10 of us & started the planning. Things were going very smoothly. The planning went well, the money situation worked itself out, and I kept thinking “Wow, this is going to be great!” So everything is set for August 26th, at the Arena in Bedford, $20 per person. We mailed the invitations the first of July. By mid July, we had receiving 2 replies, both were unable to attend. So I’m thinking, “Come on class of ’96, what the heck is wrong with you?” Why wouldn’t you want to attend your reunion? Was my class that bad? Are people still holding grudges from High School? I didn’t understand. So I thought for sure we were going to have to cancel. At the last minute a few replies started to roll in & we were able to come up with 32 people attending, 20 classmates, 12 guests. Ok this is enough to have the reunion. So it’s a go!
So I take my hubby with me to my reunion. He did not go to the same high school as I did, but he agreed to go along & try to have a good time. We had to arrive early since I was pretty much running the show. People started arriving & it was pretty awkward & weird at first. Everyone just kind of stood around, almost like they were afraid to talk to each other. So I addressed the class with my committee at my side, thanking everyone for making the effort to be there. I would have liked to have told them about the snobby people who didn’t even have the nerve to send back their RSVP. Come on people, that’s just down right rude! Anyway, we start dinner, and people start drinking. After dinner the DJ started playing dance music. At first I thought the DJ was just a waste of money, but after a few people got a few drinks in them, people started dancing.
Everyone seemed to be having a great time, myself included, except my poor lonely hubby sitting in the corner with his arms crossed looking like he was ready to shoot the next redneck that came stumbling by with a beer in each hand. For those of you who know me, know that I’m a very sociable person. Now being sociable can be a great quality in a person, but for me sometimes it’s a weakness. I get caught up in social gatherings & sometimes lose site of everything except me & having fun. So I didn’t tend to notice hubby sitting in the corner because I was just dancing, drinking, and having a good old time with friends I hadn’t seen in years.
Now you can look at both sides of this story. First my side, I hadn’t seen these people in years. This is a once every 5 year event so why not let loose & enjoy the evening. I see hubby everyday. He doesn’t like to dance & he’s not very social, so why not enjoy myself. Its not my fault he can’t make the most of a bad situation and just have fun in spite of me. Then there’s his side, he didn’t know anyone there. I should have tried to include him. The evening didn’t end until midnight. I think he had worked that morning so he was tired. I should have taken the hint that he was ready to go when he went to the car without me around 11 pm & I finally went to look for him when the DJ stopping playing! OOPS! “Has anyone seen my husband? I may need a ride if he left without me!!”
Well he didn’t leave without me. He was sleeping in the car. But this made for a quiet ride home and a miserable next 2 days! So was I inconsiderate? Probably. Should I have spent more time with him? Maybe. Did he get over it? Yep. Will he remind me of it every chance he gets for the next 5 years? For sure. Did I have fun anyway? ABSOLUTELY!! Am I going to my next reunion alone? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!!!
That is so me and my husband. i'm miss social and need to see; hear; talk to everyone and everything and my hubby - SITS...drives me nuts. But it's all about having a good time for least one of you...
We are off the beach this weekend and it's my hubby's 2nd trip with this group I've known all my life -I just do my thing - he'll catch on soon and if not - I'll still have a great time...I know sounds heartless and cold but he's a big boy and knows how to make friends and yes, play nice...
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